State National Blog

April Fools’ — SNERP Behind the Curtain

Written by State National | 4/1/21 6:19 PM

What’s SNERP up To? State National News Network (SNNN) Takes an Inside Look.

April Fools’ Day is the perfect holiday to honor SNERP with a behind-the-scenes look at his busy and hard-working life at State National. Who is SNERP? Well, although our WRAP software robots work tirelessly day and night, they are invisible and hard to picture. So we brought SNERP — SNC’s robot mascot — to life. He can’t quite work 24/7 like his software counterparts, but his dedication to impeccable accuracy and fast and easy customer service is legendary.

The Markel Style calls for "a zealous pursuit of excellence while keeping a sense of humor and also that above all, we enjoy what we are doing. We certainly enjoyed making this lighthearted tribute to SNERP and his very "metal" life, and we hope you enjoy watching him come out of the shadows and into the spotlight!

SNERP Goes To Work


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